Not all the Safety rules and regulations can be covered here. As veterans of battle and events, we all know the safety rules an Regs, as each unit has some. Please help this event by following your unit's safety rules and regs,As well as good old common sense. Commanders, your help is greatly appreciated in this matter.
Student Sham Battle Regulations
1. Safety of students and reenactors
3. Reenactors weapons are not to be handled by any student on the field
4. Battle will be design to show case the three branches of service
5. Drill for students will get them ready for the Sham Battle
6. Students will be attentive to the reenactor commanders-if not; they will not take part in the battle
7. Gun Demo of each weapon, musket, rifle, carbine, pistol and cannon, show them why we have
safety zones in place
8. Have Fun
Weapons inspection, by Unit's Weapon's Safety Officer, will be conducted prior to
each battle and a written report will be verified and signed off by each Safety Officer and each Unit's Commanding Officer.
Pistol Safety
When hand loading, only dry material can be used for wadding in pistols use only Cream of WheatReloading is not always permitted on the battlefield. The Commanding Officer, will check at Officer’s Call. If it is permitted, only prepared paper blank cartridges or extra cylinder(s) will be used.
Load all pistols with required powder loads. Check with your Weapon’s Safety Officer for number of grains to be used
All loaded pistols should be carried in a secured flap holster. If you carry an extra pistol it should be in a holster
Cylinders in a cylinder pouch. No pistols will be carried in your boot or jacket
Pistols will be loaded when ordered to do so by the unit's Commanding officer.
Infantry Musket Safety
3 band muskets preferred; correct 2 banders allowed only by prior written approval from the commanding General of the appropriate army subject to supporting historical documentation.
NO non-period weapons. NO civilian weapons.
Side arms carried ONLY by officers.
Ramrods are not to be drawn on the field with the exception of Safety personnel clearing a weapon behind the firing line
Bayonets are not to be fixed on the field. Scabbards must have appropriate tips.
NO sheath knives will be carried on the field..
No weapons are to be discharged within 25 yards of the “enemy”; remember to always elevate when firing.
No weapons are to be discharged within camp boundaries with the exception of weapons inspection under supervision of the unit safety officer or commanding officer.
No live ammunition is allowed on the reenactment site. LEAVE IT AT HOME!
No tompions may be taken to the field.
No “Wonder wads” are to be used in any weapon.
Cavalry Carbines Safety
NO non-period weapons. NO civilian weapons.
No weapons are to be discharged within camp boundaries with the exception of weapons inspection under supervision of the unit safety officer or commanding officer.
No live ammunition is allowed on the reenactment site. LEAVE IT AT HOME!
No “Wonder wads” are to be used in any weapon.
No weapons are to be discharged within 25 yards of the “enemy”
Carbine boxes hold about 40 rounds, so put the extra in a cotton or leather pouch in your haversack, if you want to carry extra. Note: check the ground every so often to see if you‘ve dropped any rounds.
Hard-case Cartridges, like those used in a Smith are to be sealed with a paper sticky dot, see Weapon’s Safety officer to find out what it is
Musket caps try and find 4 wing caps. 6 wing is acceptable, do to the distance we stand from each other. It has come to light that Infantry reenactors are being injured by pieces of metal flying off 6 winged caps when fired. Most are being struck in the face standing shoulder to shoulder.
Artillery units will adhere to Standing Operating Procedures
and will be under the command & direction of the appropriate
Artillery Commander.
Edged Weapons
Sabers will not be carried on the battlefield by dismounted cavalry. Only NCOs or Officer(s)Mounted cavalry will carry sabers on horseback and draw saber only when ordered to do so by the officer on the field
When 25 yards or less from the opposing force, sabers will not be dropped below 45 degrees for vertical.
If you have a pocket knife, it stays in your pocket while on the field, drawn only to clear a cap; no other knives of any type will be carried on the field.
These are not permitted on the battlefield
The loading of any weapon on the field from a freeloading device or flask.
Striking an opponent or his mount with any weapon or trying to dismount a mounted rider.
All hand to hand, and mounted cavalry combat is
choreographed prior to the battle.
NO INPROMTO fighting on the field will be tolerated.
ALL equestrian issues will fall under the purview of the appropriate Federal or Confederate Army Commanders and their Cavalry commander to include Cavalry, Staff, Mounted Artillery and Civilian.
All horses brought to the site are required to have a current Coggins certificate.Horses should be trained to gunfire and battle BEFORE THE EVENT. Do not bring untrained horses to the event.
Under no circumstances will horses be billeted or camped in any area other than the appropriate and assigned Reenactor camps where amentities, shade, water and hay are supplied. Horse camping in the parking lots or any unauthorized areas is strickly forbidden and will result in the expulsion from the event.
Horses WILL NOT be ridden or led through the infantry camps, artillery camps, and sutler areas or in spectator areas.
All horses will be dismounted prior to entering any authorized camp area and led to the designated picket area. With the exception of designated combat areas, absolutely no mounted individual will allow a horse to enter a camp area above the gait of a controlled walk.
No person under the age of 16 will mount a horse as a combatant or serve in a mounted capacity with the exception of qualified riders serving as functional musicians. Determination of a qualified rider will be made by the respective Cavalry Commander.
Horses will be ridden on event grounds only by troopers or staff. Spectators, children, and visitors will absolutely not be allowed to mount any horse.
Period civilians wishing to portray a mounted impression will apply to the appropriate Cavalry Commander who will then determine the qualifications of the rider(s) and will also determine when and where they may ride. Mounted cavalry escort may be required at the discretion of the Cavalry Commander. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Violators will be expelled from the event.
Stallions will not be permitted on the event site.
Camp Safety
Company streets must be kept clear of all obstructions, camp
gear, and furniture. The company streets will be used for formations,
troop movements, and provide emergency access to the camps. Fire pits
must be at the top and bottom of the tent rows with enough room to allow
passage even if a crowd is around the fire pit.
Fire pits may be dug, with the sod reserved for replacement when the fire pit is filled. All dug fire pits will be filled prior to the breaking of camp at the end of the event. No trash is to be burned in the fire pit. This includes empty or full cans or bottles.Straw and hay and other flammable substances are to be stored well away from any fire pit.
Mounted personnel are not authorized to travel through infantry camps. If, for some reason, this cannot be avoided, the mounted soldier should dismount and lead his mount until clear of the camp.
Vehicles are to be removed from the camp area after they are unloaded and moved to the designated parking area. Vehicles are not allowed in camp except when specifically authorized during emergency situation. Vehicles are allowed in camps after the reenactment based upon the posted rules of the event.
At the conclusion of each event, trash and unburned firewood shall be gathered and deposited in designated areas.
Additional Guidelines
All event participants will carry a FULL CANTEEN at all times.