Campaigns Biographies Photographs Medal of Honor

In researching the Iowa Third Cavalry I
have seen other
campaigns that they were involved in.
The following I have taken from their
campaign flag.
Bentonville, Ark. March. 6, 1862 |
Pea Ridge, Ark. March. 7-8, 1862 |
Salem, Ark. March. 13, 1862 |
Mexico, Mo. May 19, 1862 |
Sygamore, Ark. May 28, 1862 |
Village Creek, Ark. June 22, 1862 |
Lagrange, Ark. May 1, 1863 |
Polkfarm, Ark. May 1, 1863 |
Little Rock, Ark. May 25, 1863 |
Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863 |
Jackson, Miss. July 9, 1863 |
Canton, Miss. July 10, 1863 |
Old Town Creek, Miss. July 15, 1864 |
Oxford, Miss. August 9, 1864 |
Osage, Mo. October 25, 1864 |
Big Blue, Mo. October 25, 1864 |
Mine Creek, Ark. October 27, 1864 |
Ebenezer Church, Ala. April 4, 1865 |
In the town of Keokuk,
Iowa the Third Iowa Volunteer Cavalry
was mustered into service on
August 30, 1861.
On August 9, 1865 at
Atlanta, Georgia, the Third Iowa cavalry
was mustered out of service
and given a train ride to Davenport, Iowa.
On their arrival, the town
of Davenport gave them a heroes welcome.
After their arrival they
disbanded to find their way home
to their loved ones waiting.
men of the 3rd Iowa Cavalry
There are many stories that may never be told about the Civil War. Many have gone to the wayside or just went with the individual who experienced the taste of war. Although the following really don't talk of acts of war we are able to find out about some of the men of the 3rd Iowa Cavalry. A little about them as a human being, and what has happened to them. Although most of the bios are from genealogy findings found by Priscilla A. Boswell there are a few good accounts. I hope this aspect of the site really grows and your participation in adding to this will be a great help. If you have information on your ancestor who belonged with the 3rd Iowa Cavalry please by all means share this with all of the interested people. Remember as long as we think of our ancestors they will never die but live in the hearts of all of us.
first portion was sent to me from Priscilla A. Boswell. She has been a
great credit to this site and I wish to thank her for her interest in the
3rd Iowa Cavalry. Great Job Priscilla and Thanks!

Baker, M. L.,
merchant tailor, Keosauqua; born Sept. 27, 1825, in Fleming Co., Ky.; parents moved to Monroe Co., Ind., in 1827, and he came from there to Bloomfield, Davis Co., Iowa, in 1855; followed his trade there till May, 1851 [1861]; when he enlisted in his county's service in Co. A, of the 3d Iowa Cav.; was elected as first Lieutenant of his Company and was promoted to Captain June 24, 1862; resigned Aug. 10, 1863; was a participant in the battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., and many skirmishes. Returned to Keosauqua, having his family removed to this place after he had entered the service; has followed his present business principally ever since. He was married to Isabella Hardesty Oct. 22, 1852, in Indiana; she was born Sept. 3, 1834, in Indiana; have seven children - Charles A., Willie E., Frank, Mark M., George D., Samuel H. and Mary. Members of Christian Church; Democrat

Barker, A. C.,
far., S. 17; P.O. Mt. Zion; owns 207 acres of land, valued at $25 per
acre; was born March 18, 1842, in this county, where he spent his boyhood
days, and at his country's call enlisted in Co. H, 3d Iowa Cav. Sept. 8,
1861; participated in the battle of Moore's Mill, Mo., where he was wounded
by a ball passing through the side of the jaw and under the jugular vein,
and lodging in the back of the neck, from which he recovered and afterward
participated in the battles of Little Rock, Ark., Tupelo and Guntown, Miss.;
was also with Gen. Wilson, in his raid through Alabama and Georgia; was
discharged Aug. 25, 1865.
Returned home and was married to Miss Martha M. Van Emmons,
of this county; she was born in Missouri in October, 1853; have 5 children
- George V., John H., Maud, Nellie and William R. Moved on his farm in
1871. Is a member of the Presbyterian Church; Republican.

Hiram Barnes
Posted by Fran Hunt on Tue, 09 May 2000
Surname: Barnes, Barnett, Loomis, Hale, Kirkpatrick, McCormick
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren
Counties – 1890
Hiram Barnes is a retired farmer and honored citizen of Birmingham, Van Buren County. Known to many throughout the county, and held in the highest esteem byall, his sketch will be received with interest by many of our readers. His birthplace is in Harrison County, Ohio, and the date on which he first opened his eyes to thelight, March 18, 1818. He is a son of James A. Barnes, and a grandson of Leonard Barnes, who was probably a native of Ireland. From Maryland he removed to Ohio, where he spent the remainder of his life engaged in farming. James Barnes was born in the Buckeye State, and on reaching the age of twenty-one married Miss Elizabeth Barnett, also a native of Ohio. Her father was a Frenchman and her mother’s people belonged to the Society of Friends. Mr. Barnes improved a newfarm after his marriage, and later moved from Tuscarawas County to Holmes County, where he resided some four years. It was in 1839 that he first set foot uponIowa soil. Crossing the Mississippi, he continued his journey to Van Buren County and made a location about a mile south of Birmingham, where he entered onehundred and twenty acres of land. After building a log cabin, he began the improvement of a farm while the family lived in true pioneer style. He was called up to mourn the loss of his wife in 1862, and ten years later his death occurred. Many of the comforts of civilized life had been added to their home before that time, and a highly cultivated farm supplied their wants. He was a stalwart Republican in political sentiment, and Mrs. Barnes was a faithful member of the Methodist church.
Their family numbered thirteen children, of whom the following grew
to mature years—Matilda, who was married and died in Ohio; Hiram, of this
sketch; Barnett, who was killed in California while in his own cabin; Reason,
Sarah and Albert, who are residents of California; James, who served in
the Third Iowa Cavalry during the late war and thereby lost his eyesight;
Harriet and Elizabeth, who are also living in the Golden State.
The days of his boyhood and youth, Hiram Barnes spent in the state
of his nativity, where he also served an apprenticeship to the carpenter’s
trade. He came with his family to the Territory of Iowa when twenty-one
years of age, and remained under the parental roof until 1846, in which
year his marriage with Hannah B. Loomis was celebrated. The lady is a native
of Ohio, and a daughter of William and Sylvia Loomis. After his marriage,
Mr. Barnes purchased land lying partly in Birmingham, and on the lot where
stands their present residence he and his wife began their domestic life.
He devoted his attention to farming until 1850, when, attracted by the
discovery of gold in California, he crossed the plains with three brothers
and spent nearly two years in the northern mines. Again returning home,
he resumed his interrupted farming labors, and in addition, engaged in
the livery business, but in 1861, on the breaking out of the late war,
he laid down the implements of peaceful occupation and marched away to
the front.
Mr. Barnes enlisted in Company H. Third Iowa Cavalry, and when the regiment
was organized was made First Lieutenant of his company, in which position
he served two years, when he received his discharge on account of failing
health. The service of the regiment was arduous, being mostly warfare against
the guerrillas.
He had command of his company during the greater part of the time,
as the Captain was old and unable to take the lead. The principal engagement
occurred at Kirksville Missouri, but he participated in many skirmishes.
Returning to his home, Mr. Barnes again took up farming and the livery
business, which later he followed for thirty years. He is still the owner
of one hundred and fifteen acres of land lying partly within the corporation
limits of Birmingham, but to a great extent he has laid aside all business
care and is resting in the enjoyment of the fruits of former toil. Unto
Mr. and Mrs. Barnes have been born six children, yet living—Louisa, widow
of W.J. Hale, has two children and is living in Birmingham, near her parents;
W.A. is a farmer of Warren County Iowa and a graduate of the Commercial
College of Keokuk; Belle, wife of Abe Kirkpatrick, is living in California;
Virginia is the wife of Horace McCormick, of Des Moines, who is connected
with the famous agricultural implement manufactory; Mary is the wife of
B.F. Loomis of Kansas; and Iola is with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnes have a charming home in Birmingham, where they are surrounded with all the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. He has served as Mayor of that city and is an honored member of the Old Settlers Society. He cast his first Presidential ballot for William Henry Harrison, and the last vote up to this time for Benjamin Harrison, the illustrious grandson of the Tippecanoe hero. More than half a century has passed away since Mr. Barnes came to this country. Time and the citizens of the community have brought many changes, effacing many of the old landmarks but putting in their places structures, which show the enterprise of its settlers.
I am not related, and am only copying this for the information of those who might find this person in their family.

Priscilla Boswell thebugman@gateway.net
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren
Counties - 1890
Joseph Beeler, a blacksmith and wagon maker, of Lebanon, Van Buren
County, is a native of Iowa. He was born in Lee
County May 28, 1847, and is a son of John and Hannah Vale Beeler, both
of whom were natives of Indiana. His father
was born in 1817, and having attained to mature years, led to the marriage
altar, in 1839, Miss Vale, who was born in
1818. They moved to Lee County, where Mr. Beeler died in the prime
of his life, being but thirty four years of age,
when called to his final rest. His wife long survived him, dying at
the age of sixty-three years. They were parents of four
children, of whom our subject was third in order of birth, and Jacob
and Joseph are the only ones now living. The former
is a resident of Washington Township.
Joseph Beeler passed the days of his boyhood and youth in his native
county, where he learned the trades of
blacksmithing and wagon making. Going to Garden Grove Iowa in 1862,
he followed his trade at that place, but the
Civil War being in progress, and feeling it his duty to aid in the
preservation of the Union, he enlisted in the Third Iowa
Cavalry under Capt. J.D. Brown. The regiment was commanded by Col.
Noble; now Secretary of the Interior under
President Harrison. They participated in a few important engagements
during that campaign, but in the summer of 1864
were engaged mostly in raids against the troops of Gen. Forrest. They
did guard duty at Memphis and participated in the
battles of Tupelo and Guntown. In September of that year they crossed
the river and started on a raid against Gen. Price
whom they followed through Missouri and Kansas.
The forces were then scattered and the Third Iowa Cavalry went to St.
Louis, at which place its members boarded a
steamer, which was blown up by the bursting of a boiler. They afterwards
joined Gen. Wilson, and with whom they
participated in the raid through Alabama and Georgia, in which took
place the battles of Selma, Montgomery, Macon
and Columbus. Their next move was against Atlanta Georgia, where they
were mustered out on August 9, 1865. Mr.
Beeler was present at the capture of Jefferson Davis. He was a faithful
soldier, ever found at his post of duty, and at the
close of the war was honorably discharged.
When hostilities had ceased and the troops were once more free to return
to their homes, Mr. Beeler resumed the trade
of blacksmithing and wagon making in Garden Grove, Iowa, where he remained
until 1875, when he came to Lebanon
and purchased his present shop. He is doing a general line of blacksmithing
and general jobbing business together with
wooden work, and also manufactures wagons and buggies. His business
now yields him an annual income of $1,200. He
is an expert workman in both branches of his trade, and by fair and
honest dealing he has secured the confidence of
those who give him their patronage.
The accomplished wife of Mr. Beeler was in her maidenhood, Miss Gracie
Warner. She was born in October 1863,
and is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Beeler is a Republican
in politics. They have but one child, a little son

1878 Henry Twp., Van Buren County, IA
Biographical Directory of Citizens
Boyer, Jacob,
farmer, Sec. 3; P.O. Vernon; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre; born Feb. 26, 1817, in Adams Co., Penn.; went to Indianapolis, Ind., in 1837, where he remained till the Spring of 1842; then went in company with Robert Greer and Jacob Landis with a load of liquors on a flatboat to New Orleans, and from there he came up the Mississippi River and the Des Moines to Farmington, in this county. Was married there to Elvira Davidson Dec. 13, 1844; she was born Dec. 9, 1826, in Lawrence Co., Ohio; her parents came to Bentonsport, in this county, in 1838, and subsequently moved to Farmington, where her father died in the spring of 1840. Mr. Boyer came on his present farm in 1854; have four children living--Isabel, Clara, Albert and Charles; lost one--Joseph, who died of disease contracted while in the army; he was in Co. G, 3d I. V. C.

William Brooks Sen.
Posted by Judy Driscoll <jtdris@ix.netcom.com> on Wed, 05 May 1999
William Brooks was born in Pennsylvania in 1779 and lived to be eighty-seven years of age,while his wife Elizabeth Stitt was born in Kentucky in 1785. In early manhood William followed farming in Pennsylvania and afterward in Logan Co., Ohio. In 1838 he came to Iowa,settling on a farm in Van Buren County. He was one of its pioneer residents and assisted in the early material development and progress of this portion of the state. He belonged to the class of representative American men who, while advancing individual interests, also contributed to the public welfare. His attention was devoted to farming until about fifteen years prior to his death, when he retired and went to live with his son, A.T.[Allen Trimble] Brooks, upon his farm, there passing away in April, 1866. He had served as a soldier of the war of 1812, and his early political support was given to the democracy, but his six sons were all Whigs, and at the time of the organization of the new Republican party the father and sons all joined ranks. Mr. Brooks and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church, taking an active and interested part in its work, and Mr. Brooks was an elder and preacher who traveled from place to place in the performance of his ministerial duties.
His wife survived him for but a brief period, passing away in the fall
of 1866, her great grief at the loss of her husband undoubtedly hastening
her own death. Their remains were interred side by side in the cemetery
in Van Buren Co. In their family were eight children. Three of the sons,
James, John and Allen T. were soldiers of the Civil War, also two sons
of James, two sons of
John, two sons of Samuel and two sons of Benjamin, making three sons
and eight grandsons who were in the great Civil conflict. John Brooks was
a member of the Third Iowa Cavalry, while James served in the Eighth Iowa
Infantry and Allen T. Brooks was a member of the Second Iowa Infantry,
to which four of the grandsons belonged, while two of the grandsons were
members of the Third Iowa Cavalry. James and John were Disabled in the
War, and James died soon after his return home, but John lingered until
a few years ago.

From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren Counties – 1890

John L. Brown, a veteran of the late war and an early settler of Van Buren County, Iowa, now residing in Fairfield, Jefferson County, was born in the town of Yellowbud, Ross County Ohio, February 1, 1838, and is a son of G. Washington and Mary Long Brown. His father, the youngest of eleven children, was born in Huntingdon Pennsylvania, in the year 1811, and was of Scotch and German descent. He came to Iowa with his family in 1846, settled in Van Buren County, and is now a resident of Keosauqua. The mother was born in Highland County Ohio in 1809, and was descended from English ancestry.
Our subject was a lad of eight years when he accompanied his parent
so to Iowa, reaching Keosauqua at Christmas time. The family settled on
a farm in Vernon Township, Van Buren County Iowa, where he was reared to
manhood, receiving his education in the public Schools. Responding to his
country’s call for troops he enlisted for the late war on August 1, 1861,
as a member of Company G. Third Iowa Cavalry, was promoted from Third Corporal
to First Sergeant and in June 1864, was commissioned First Lieutenant in
the Freedmen’s Bureau Service and assumed staff duty, serving until that
department was closed out in 1866. Lieut. Brown took part in many important
engagements, including the battles of Tupelo, Guntown, Selma, Columbia,
Little Rock, Hartsville, Grierson’s raid, Moore’s Mill and in skirmishes
too numerous to mention. He was in command of the provost guard at Memphis
at the time of Forrest’s celebrated raid on that city. Toward the close
of his service he received an injury in the left hip, which at first took
the form of a tumor and at times caused him much pain, unfitting him for
duty. After his return from the war his ailment increased and eventually
resulted in an abscess, which affected first the left leg and then the
right until their usefulness, as a means of locomotion, was virtually destroyed.
Mr. Brown has now been a sufferer for nearly twenty-five years and from
the rugged man of six feet, three inches in height, weighing two hundred
and thirty pounds, he is reduced to one hundred and fifty six pounds in
weight and is perceptively lessened in stature. However, not withstanding
his physical
afflictions he is cheerful and makes the best of his misfortune.
On February 25, 1864, in Fairfield Mr. Brown was united in marriage with Miss Martha Bell, daughter of Asahel Brown, an early pioneer of Jefferson County. Mrs. Brown was born in Huntingdon Pennsylvania and came to Fairfield Iowa with her parents in July 1844. To Mr. and Mrs. Brown has been born one child, a daughter, Lulu Z., who is now the wife of George Colburn, of Des Moines. Mrs. Brown and her daughter are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Brown is a Republican in politics and a member of George Strong Post. No.19, G.A.R. His father was also a soldier of the late war; joining the regiment known as the Iowa Graybeards, in 1863 and, after nine months service, was discharged on account of physical disability. Out subject, continued to reside in Van Buren County until 1871, when he removed to Fairfield, where he has since resided. He has made many warm friends throughout the community and is held in high esteem by all who know him.
I am not related and I am posting this biography for those who may find this person in their family history.

Henry C. Caldwell
Posted by Fran Hunt on Thu, 27 Jul 2000
Surname: Caldwell
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren
Counties – 1890
Henry C. Caldwell was born in Marshall County, West Virginia on September 4, 1832. He was the son of Van and Susan Caldwell. On his father’s side he is of Scotch origin, the family having originated at the Cold Wells in Scotland, and on his mother’s side he is descended from Irish stock. His maternal grandfather was an Irishman by birth, became a Methodist minister, volunteered in the War of 1812, and died in the service. His parents removed from West Virginia to Iowa in 1836, where he was educated in the private and common schools of that day. He began the study of law in the law office of Wright & Knapp, at Keosauqua Iowa, at the age of seventeen, was admitted to practice in his twentieth year, and shortly thereafter became a junior member of that firm. He at once engaged in active practice, and was soon recognized as one of the most successful lawyers of his age in the State. In 1856, he was elected Prosecuting Attorney for his district, and in 1858 was elected to the Legislature, and for two sessions was Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the House. In 1861, he was commissioned Major in the Third Iowa Cavalry, and was promoted successively to be Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel of that regiment. Gen. Bussey, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Judge Caldwell and Gen. Noble, Secretary of the Interior, were successively and in the order named Colonels of that regiment. He was an efficient officer. Gen. Davison, in his Official Report on the occasion of the capture of Little Rock, says: “Lieut. Col. Caldwell, whose untiring devotion and energy never flags, during night or day, deserves for his gallantry and varied accomplishments as a cavalry officer, promotion to the rank of a general officer.”
In June of 1864, our subject while serving with his regiment, President
Lincoln appointed him District Judge of the United States for the district
of Arkansas. The United States courts were opened in Arkansas in 1865,
and immediately the docket was crowded with business. From that time to
the present, Judge Caldwell has continued to hold the Federal Court in
this district, and has occasionally held court in districts in other States.
Judge Caldwell is a self made man, and possesses a vigorous grasp of
intellect and a strong sense of justice, and though not a classical scholar,
is a master of terse English. The force and clearness of his opinions have
attracted the attention of the bench and bar of the country, and some of
them have become leading authority on the subjects to which they relate.
His administration of justice has been characterized by ability, honesty
and impartiality, and it is probable that there is not a judge in the United
States who enjoys in a higher degree the confidence and esteem of the bar
of his court, which numbers among its members lawyers as eminent as any
in the country.
On March 4, 1890, Judge Caldwell was appointed United States Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit. As a member of the Arkansas State Bar Association, and otherwise, Judge Caldwell was participated actively in the amendment and improvement of the laws of that State. His address on the “Insecurity of titles to real property” led to important legislation on that subject, and his address on the “Anaconda Mortgage System” prevailing in that State attracted wide attention and caused an amendment of the law and contributed largely to foster the spirit that led to the establishment of cooperative stores by the “wheel” organizations of that State. He was active in procuring the enactment of the law which secures to married women the absolute ownership and enjoyment of their separate property, free from the control of their husbands or the claims of their creditors. He aided in the establishment of the present system of laws in Arkansas regulating the liquor traffic, and which is esteemed by many as the best code on that subject in the country. It was largely due to his influence that the act was passed making the debts and liabilities incurred in the operation of railroads liens on the road, paramount to the liens of mortgages on the road. Judge Caldwell is a poor man and utterly indifferent to the acquisition of property or money beyond a sum sufficient to defray the current expenses of his family, who live plainly.
I am not related, and am only copying this for the information of those who might find this person in their faDuffield, Geo. C.,
farmer and stock-raiser; P.O. Pittsburg; owns about 500 acres of land,
valued at $25 per acre; son of James and Margaretta (Bierly) Duffield;
his father was a native of Maryland, and his mother of Pennsylvania; they
were married in Franklin Co., Penn., in 1815; move to Jefferson Co., the
same year; he was born in that county May 13, 1824; in the fall of 1834,
moved to Fulton Co., Ill.; his father and brother John, in December, 1836,
made claims of
land in Van Buren Tp.; the following spring, moved on
the claim; their wagon-track was the first west of the Des Moines River
in this township; when young, Mr. Duffield spent some time in Louisiana;
in St. Paul, Minn., then a small trading-post, in 1849, assisted in unloading
the first printing press brought to that place; in 1849, went to California;
in the spring of 1853, returned; has been engaged in the stock business
extensively; went to Texas, purchased 1,500 head of cattle, and drove them
to market; has been Superintendent of the stock, hog and sheep department
for the State Agricultural Society for twelve years, and one of the Directors
the last three years. Served as a scout for the 3d Iowa Cavalry, about
one year. Married Zervia Stannard April 17, 1856; she died March 4, 1857;
was married again to Addie Stidger, March 18, 1867; she was born Jan. 4,
1843, in this county; have three children living--Glenn S., Mary C. and
Ada E.; lost one -- Howe H. Mr. Duffield's father died Jan. 20, 1875;
his mother is living at his brother James'; she is in her 84th year. Republican.
Priscilla Boswell thebugman@gateway.net
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren
Counties - 1890
Isaiah Harris, a leading businessman of Milton and the President of
the Milton District Fair, has carried on the grocery
business at this place since 1872, a longer continuous period that
any other engaged in that line in the city. The life record
of Mr. Harris is as follows: He was born in Preble County, Ohio, March
29, 1844, and when a lad of seven years in
1851, accompanied his parents to Iowa, where he was reared to manhood
on a farm and received a common school
education. When only seventeen years of age he responded to his country’s
call for troops and on October 9, 1861,
enlisted as a member of Company D, Third Iowa Cavalry, being mustered
out October 9, 1865, after four years of
active service. During that time he was three times wounded, first
on March 7, 1862, at Pea Ridge, where he received a
gunshot wound; again in Benton Arkansas in November 1863, he sustained
a gunshot in the left hand and a third time in
the fall of 1864 at the battle of Big Blue. Mr. Harris participated
in the capture of Vicksburg, was in the two battles of
Jackson Mississippi, and in the engagement at Pea Ridge, Guntown, Tupelo
Mississippi and Columbus Georgia under
Wilson. He was made Orderly to General A.J. Smith, and was appointed
Quartermaster of his regiment, about three
weeks before the battle of Tupelo, and later had charge of about sixty
men guarding the division supple store.
On his return from the war, Mr. Harris engaged in farming in Davis
County Iowa, six miles west of Milton, where he
continued operations until 1872, when he removed to the city and embarked
in the grocery business as before stated.
Eighteen years has he continued in that line of trade, and the large
patronage, which he has received, has made him one
of the substantial citizens of the place.
On December 13, 1866, in Pulaski Iowa Mr. Harris led to the marriage
alter Miss Leah Stover, a native of Smithfield
Ohio, and a daughter of Jacob Stover. Two children were born of their
union but both died in infancy. This worthy
couple is members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of West Union,
and in the social world are held in high regard. In
politics, Mr. Harris is a Democrat but has never sought official distinction.
He was on of the organizers of the Milton
District Agricultural Society in 1881, held the office of President
for three years and is its largest stockholder. His
enthusiasm and energy in support of the enterprise has done much to
insure its success. Socially, he is a Master Mason,
holding membership in Aurora Lodge No. 50, A.F. & A.M. of Milton.
Mr. Harris is a man of superior business and
executive ability and is recognized as an enterprising, energetic and
successful businessman, whose integrity is
unquestioned and whose judgment is always respected.
Hope, Will H.,
stock dealer and shipper, Birmingham; son of James and Margaret Hope;
born June 6, 1842, in Westmoreland Co., Penn.; came with parents to this
county in the spring of 1852; settled near Birmingham.
Enlisted in Co. H, 3d I. V. C., in February, 1864; was in the battle
of Guntown, Miss., the battles of A. J. Smith's campaign, and with Gen.
Wilson in his raid to Macon, Ga.; was honorably discharged Aug. 21, 1865.
Returned home and engaged in the agricultural implement business in Birmingham;
in the summer of 1866, went into the drug business; in 1873, sold out and
commenced his present business. Married Frances McDonald Jan. 17, 1867;
she was born in Ohio in December, 1848; have four children -- Doc, Dap
C., Clarence and Lida. Republican.
Leonard King
Posted by Fran Hunt on Tue, 09 May 2000
Surname: King, Morgan, Ellis, Fisk, Bartholemew, Beardsley, Stark
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren
Counties – 1890
Hon. Leonard King of Farmington, is numbered among the pioneer settlers of Van Buren County. His residence in this section dates from 1838, consequently covers a period of fifty-two consecutive years. Few of the settlers of that early day yet remain to tell the story of Iowa life during the days when the State formed a part of the extreme Western Frontier.
Mr. King was born in Cayuga County New York on April 22, 1807, and was one of a family of twelve children, whose parents were Paul and Eunice Morgan King. His father was born on Long Island in 1762, and his mother, a native of Connecticut, was born in 1775. Becoming residents of New York in youth, they were married in the Empire State and for many years resided in Orleans County.
A family of twelve children was born unto them, all of whom grew to mature years, were married and reared families of their own, but our subject is now the only survivor, and upon his devolves the duty of perpetuating their memory by written record: Henry, the eldest, died in California; Elizabeth became the wife of Reuben Ellis, and they made their home in Wisconsin; Sylvester died at about the age of seventy-five years; Enoch emigrated to Mississippi, and subsequently removed to Texas, where he died of yellow fever; William S. from the age of eighteen months made his home with an uncle who was a printer, and with him learned that trade.
When fourteen years old, he went to Charleston S.C., arriving in that city with only fourteen cents in his pocket, but he soon entered the Courier office, where he remained, rising steadily step by step until at his death he had become owner of the paper, and a man of wealth and influence in the community; Sarah became the wife of Abraham Fisk; and Susan her twin sister, married Riley Fisk, and both families settled in Jefferson County New York; Elijah died near Quincy Illinois; Lucy became the wife of Henry Bartholemew, and their home was in Orleans County New York; Leonard, of this sketch is the next younger; Ede married Ephraim Beardsley, and settled near Quincy, Illinois; Russell P. became a resident of Adams County Iowa, but afterward removed to Lee County. The parents of this family lived to an advanced age and died within three day of each other, from exposure while making a trip to the home of their son in Jefferson County. They were consistent and faithful members of the Christian Church, whose upright lives and many deeds of charity and kindness won them the love and esteem of all. Their children were reared to habits of industry, and in early life deep lessons of truth were impressed upon their minds. They became good citizens and members of society, doing honor to the training of their Christian parents.
The member of the family in whom the people Van Buren County are most interested—Leonard King—was educated in the common schools of his native state and at Fredonia Academy. He prepared himself for teaching, but did not follow that occupation, circumstances arising which caused him to devote his attention to other pursuits. He was married in Fredonia, Chautauqua County New York in 1833, to Miss Angeline Beardsley, a native of Massachusetts. Their union was blessed with two children, but death visited the home, and both were taken away. The daughter, Olive, became the wife of Thomas Stark, and died in this county; Miles, an only son, was a young man of more that ordinary ability, quick to learn and of excellent habits, but in 1861, feeling that his country needed his services, he enlisted for the late war, and laid down his life on the altar of freedom. He was assigned to Company B, of the Third Iowa Cavalry, and mustered in at Keokuk. He remained with his regiment up to the last, was always found at his post of duty, and never shirked a task imposed on him. In an engagement on April 16, 1865, he was wounded, and three days later in Columbus, Georgia he closed his eyes in the last sleep, and was laid to rest on southern soil. Mr. King was tendered a pension, but would not accept it because of an oath to which he had to swear. He would not perjure himself for a few paltry dollars, but with the integrity that had characterized his entire life, he relinquished all claim to the money, rather than sacrifice his honor.
It was in 1838 that Mr. King first came to Iowa. Van Buren County was then wild and unsettled, and its brightness could never have been dreamed of, much less realized. The work of improvement seemed scarcely begun, only a few log cabins having been built here and there over the county, but he has lived to see commodious and elegant residences replace the pioneer homes, while a schoolhouse has been built on almost every hilltop, with a church by its side, the outcome of the enterprise of a well educated and contented people, the citizens of a once unsettled community. Countless manufactories have sprung up on every hand, railroads cross and recross the country, penetrating every nook and corner of this vast state, and telegraph and telephone have been introduced, permitting man to address a message, or to converse with one hundreds of miles away. Taking into consideration these things, we can but exclaim, “surely the age of wonders is upon us,” The progress made in Van Buren County is due almost entirely to its pioneer, and not the least of those who left comfortable homes in the East, and endured the trials and hardships of western life, is Leonard King. Van Buren County owes to him a debt of gratitude for the work he has performed in her behalf.
As the years have passed bringing changes to the county, Mr. King has also prospered and his efforts have been crowned with success. Only a few clouds have come to darken his pathway, and these were occasioned by the loss of his children, and his estimable wife, who died on October 27, 1866. She was a member of the Methodist Church, and her death was mourned by a large concourse of people.
In 1839 Mr. King removed to Lee County; the following year, was commissioned by Governor Lucas, as Justice of the Peace the commission still being in his possession. After ten years however, he returned to Van Buren County, where he has since made his home. He was honored with the office of Mayor of Farmington, and for a number of years was a member of the city council. Faithful and prompt in the discharge of every duty, he proved a capable official. His life is characterized by the strictest integrity, in his dealings he is honest and upright, and his word is as good as his bond.
I am not related, and am only copying this for the information of those who might find this person in their family.
John La Barre
By Kris Jaeger
I have been reviewing stories that my grandmother has written of her
memories and stories of our family told to her. One involves
great-grandfather, John La Barre.
"He was a Civil War Veteran serving from 1862-1865. There was
to be a
large ceremony honoring Civil War Veterans in Des Moines, at which
flags of the Iowa companies would be presented at the Capitol and put
permanent display. Great Grandpa La Barre represented Company
C of the
Third Iowa Volunteer Division. Someone brought him a horse to
ride in
the parade. Seemingly an old, somewhat broken down horse that
considered 'safe' for this 80 year old man. Grandpa gave it one
drew himself up to his full 5'2", and demanded a 'real' horse if they
expected him to ride in the parade."
I wanted to thank you for having the website for the Iowa Third Cavalry
and to share this story with you. Maybe others would enjoy it
as well.
Kris Jaeger
John T. Maddix
Posted by Fran Hunt on Mon, 12 Jun 2000
Surname: Maddix, Guinn, Hall
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren
Counties – 1890
John T. Maddix has been engaged in the grocery business in Birmingham since 1887. He is a native of Holmes County Ohio, born October 13, 1843, his parents being Samuel and Harriet Guinn Maddix. When he was but three years old, the family came to the Territory of Iowa, settling in the forks of the Coon River, near Des Moines, where some two years later the death of the father occurred. Mrs. Maddix then removed with her family to Libertyville, Jefferson County, where she yet makes her home, having now reached the ripe old age of seventy-two years. She has been twice married since. By the first union there were seven children, four sons and three daughters, and by her second marriage a son was born.
John T. Maddix was the fourth in order of birth and like the other members of the family the only educational advantages which he received was such as the district schools of that day afforded. As soon as he was old enough he had to begin work that he might provide for his own maintenance. A lad of thirteen years, he started out in life to fight the battle with the world. He entered a mill in Birmingham, where he was employed until the breaking out of the war. Prompted by patriotism and a desire to show his loyalty by service in the field, though only seventeen years of age, he enrolled his name with the members of Company H, Third Iowa Cavalry, enlisting on August 9, 1861. Having served in southern Missouri until 1862, with his command he marched with the Union troops to Arkansas and participated in the capture of Little Rock. There having veteranized he came home on a furlough, at the expiration of thirty days again joined his command at Memphis Tennessee, following which he participated in the battles of Guntown and Tupelo Mississippi.
Returning to St. Louis, the troops were then sent out after Price and
on returning Mr. Maddix embarked on the ill-fated boat, “Maria” which was
blown up at Carondelet. After some delay he went to Louisville Kentucky,
where for a time he was detained by sore eyes. He was then sent to Keokuk,
where he remained until the close of the war. He received his discharge
at Davenport, August 9, 1865, after four years service.
Returning to his home, Mr. Maddix and an uncle soon afterwards purchased
a sawmill at Unionton, Scotland County Missouri, but a year later he sold
out and was employed as a salesman at that place. It was during his residence
there that on August 28, 1866, he wedded Elizabeth Hall, a native of Scotland
County. He then embarked in merchandising but giving credit too freely
caused his failure. Again he returned to his old pursuit of milling, purchasing
a mill, which he operated two years. In 1871, he returned to Iowa and for
the succeeding two years engaged in milling in Selma after which he came
to Birmingham where he was employed as sawyer for three years. In company
with a gentleman he then purchased a mill and sawed ties for the railroad.
Their partnership was at length dissolved, Mr. Maddix receiving as his
share of the business the mill, which he afterwards sold for $1,800. In
1887, he opened the grocery store in Birmingham, which now takes rank among
the leading establishments of its kind. He is the owner of the building
and stock and has a good trade among the best class of people. Politically,
Mr. Maddix is a Democrat and has served as city Alderman and in other local
positions. Socially he is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Three children have been born of the union of John T. Maddix and Elizabeth
Hall, the eldest of whom, Alva L. is a barber of Birmingham; Minnie L.
is the next younger and Endymion C. completes the family.
I am not related, and am only copying this for the information of those who might find this person in their family.
"History of Colorado", edited by Wilbur Fisk Stone, published by The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co.
(1918) Vol. II p.335-336
Among the representatives of Denver's bar are men capable of crossing swords
in forensic combat
with the ablest members of the profession anywhere. Strong, capable and
resourceful in the practice
of law is James K. P. McCallum, who located in Denver in 1908 and has since
made his home in this
city. He was born in Davis county, Iowa, September 22, 1844, a son of Daniel
and Parthena J.
(Birdwell) McCallum, the latter a native of Tennessee, while the former
was born in North Carolina. Both
have now passed away. The father devoted his life to the occupation of
farming and was very prominent
in political circles. Removing to the west, he served as postmaster of
Troy, Iowa, and passed away in
1890 at Helena, Montana. His grandfather was a native of Scotland and came
to America soon after
the Revolutionary war.
James K. P. McCallum was one of a family of eleven children of whom only
three are yet living. He
pursued his early education in the district schools of Davis county, Iowa,
and afterward attended Troy
Academy in that county. He was a youth of but eighteen years when in September,
1862, he
responded to the country's call for troops, enlisting as a member of Company
E, of the Third Iowa
Cavalry, with which he served for three years. He was wounded in the right
arm in a skirmish on the
Tallahassee river, Mississippi, on the 8th of August, 1864. When discharged
he was holding the rank
of corporal. He participated in twenty-two different engagements, saw much
active fighting and
rendered valuable aid to his country, proving a most valorous and loyal
soldier. After being honorably
discharged in 1865 he returned to his Iowa home and soon afterward continued
his education in
Monmouth College at Monmouth, Illinois. Later he became a student in the
State University at Iowa
City, Iowa, where he pursued a law course, winning the LL. B. degree as
a member of the class of
1874, in which he was a classmate of Joseph C. Helms, late of Colorado,
and they both took honors at
the time of graduation. Mr. McCallum practiced law in Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
for several years and
then removed to Huron, South Dakota, where he resided for eleven years,
being recognized as one of
the able members of the legal profession in that state. He was chosen a
member of the convention
that framed the state constitution of South Dakota in 1885 and later he
removed to Colorado, settling
at Walden, Jackson county, where he resided for a time, giving his attention
to the publication of a
paper and to prospecting and mining. He removed to Denver in 1908 although
he had had frequent
business in the city for twenty years previous to that time. On permanently
taking up his abode in
Denver he opened a law office and for a time was largely engaged in criminal
law practice but is now
concentrating his efforts and attention upon commercial and other branches
of civil law. He is
accorded a good clientage and his ability has won him wide recognition
in professional circles.
Moreover, he possesses much mechanical skill and ingenuity and has devoted
considerable time to
In 1867 Mr. McCallum was united in marriage to Miss Sarah E. Boon, of Monmouth,
Illinois, and to
them have been born two children. A. Boon, born in 1884, is now manager
of the Conner Advertising
Agency and is a printer by trade. Jean is a mining engineer. He was graduated
from the North Denver
high school and from the Colorado School of Mines and is in charge of an
extensive mining property at
Patuca, Central America, owned and operated by an English syndicate. The
elder son married Alice
Shippey, of North Park, Colorado, and they have three children, Marion,
Ione and Cecil. Jean wedded
Sophie Page, of North Denver, a graduate of the North Denver high school,
and they have three
children, James Lowell, Elizabeth and Duane.
Mr. McCallum was active in politics in his youth as a supporter of the
republican party, but later he
became identified with the democratic party. He belongs to M. M. Crocker
Post, No. 81, G. A. R., of
the Department of Colorado and Wyoming, and proudly wears the little bronze
button that proclaims
him one of the veterans of the Civil war. He is a man of fine personality,
his long white beard and hair
giving him a venerable appearance, but his activity shows that he yet possesses
the spirit of youth and
to him may well be applied the lines of Victor Hugo:
"The snows of winter are on his head,
But the flowers of spring are in his heart."
John C. McCrary
Priscilla Boswell thebugman@gateway.net
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren
Counties – 1890 County
Maj. John C. McCrary of Keosauqua, Iowa was a faithful soldier during
the struggle for the preservation of the Union, is
numbered among the pioneer settlers of Van Buren County and yet ranks
among her leading and influential citizens. Two
brothers, A.H. and J.C. McCrary came to Iowa when it formed a part
of the Territory of Wisconsin. Few whom they
found at that day still survive those who yet remain have but a few
years in all probability before them, and for the
purpose of perpetuating their memory and the deeds which they performed
we write this volume. Theirs has been a
noble work well done, and to them we owe an unbounded debt of gratitude,
which can be paid in no other way that by
thus perpetuating their lives and sacredly cherishing their memories.
The Major is a native of Indian and a son of Rev. John and Ruth Wasson
McCrary. He was born on June 7, 1817, and
at the age of eighteen years accompanied his parents to McDonough County
Illinois, but remained in that region for only
about twelve months. In the winter of 1836-37, in company with his
brother, he came to Van Buren County and made a
claim which he purchased at the land sale and which today he still
has in his possession. Obtaining it from the
government, it was consequently wholly unimproved, not a furrow had
been turned or the work of development
commenced. With zeal and energy he began the arduous task of transforming
the wild prairie into a fertile farm and
zealously continued his agricultural pursuits until 1861, in which
year other interests claimed his time and attention.
The firing upon Ft Sumter was to Mr. McCrary a call to arms, and in
the first year of the struggle he became a member
of Company G, of the Third Iowa Cavalry. He was tendered the Captaincy
of the company but thinking himself unfit for
that position through inexperience, he contented himself with the office
of First Lieutenant and with his company was
mustered into service at Keokuk. The regiment was divided into two
battalions, with one of which Mr. McCrary was
sent to Kirksville Missouri. At that place Captain Maine was killed
and he was promoted to fill the vacancy. The
regiment was soon afterwards attached to Davidson’s Division under
Gen. Steele, at Little Rock, and in September of
1863, the brigade was moved south to Benton Arkansas, where Captain
McCrary was appointed Provost Marshall of
that district, in which capacity he served about four months. During
the time the other battalions joined the forces there
encamped and were then ordered back to Little Rock where a portion
of the regiment, including our subject, being
veterans, received a thirty-day furlough. At the expiration of that
time they again assembled at Keokuk. Shortly
afterwards Maj. Caldwell of the Third Iowa Cavalry, was promoted to
be Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment and a
vacancy thus caused was to be supplied. The choice fell upon Capt.
McCrary but by a noble sacrifice he surrendered
the honor. At that time there was but one original Captains left in
the regiment—Capt Muggett, of whom Mr. McCrary
was a warm personal friend. Realizing that his friend might feel offended
by his promotion, he went to him stated that the
offer was not of his own seeking and told him that he would resign
the honor to him. The Captain replied that he disliked
the idea of accepting the favor, yet as he had entered the service
wearing the Captain’s stripes he did not like to return
bearing the same. Through the generosity of Mr. McCrary it was arranged
that Capt. Muggett should be appointed
Major, while he himself should take charge of the company thus left
without a leader. Not long afterwards, however,
Maj. Muggett resigned and our subject was promoted to the position.
As the Colonel and Lieutenant colonel was then
detailed for special service, he was left in command of the regiment,
which has previously participated in the hard fought
battle of Guntown, and also the engagement at Tupelo, Mississippi.
They afterwards returned to Memphis and were
stationed in that city when Gen. Forrest made his raid during which
the Third Iowa Cavalry succeeded in capturing some
of the convalescents. In Memphis Maj. McCrary was badly injured by
being thrown from a vicious horse, which unfitted
him for duty for some time. While convalescing he returned home but
as soon as possible rejoined his regiment at
Memphis where he tendered his resignation, which, however was not accepted.
At Louisville he again wished to resign
and by the advice of the surgeon was discharged on January 28, 1865,
being physically unable to continue in command.
From the time of his enlistment until mustered out, Maj. McCrary proved
a faithful soldier and was ever found at his post
discharging his duties with all promptness. He won alike the respect
and confidence of his superior officers and the
soldiers under him.
On August 15, 1839, in Van Buren County, Maj. McCrary wedded Miss Keren
Leach, a native of Virginian and by
their union were born six children, four of whom are now living—Margaret
A., wife of William B. Hamilton of Dakota;
Abner N., who served through the war in the same regiment with his
father; Amanda, wife of William H. Thatcher of
Topeka Kansas; John L. who died in November of 1864; Oscar a resident
of Van Buren County; and Orrin who is
living in Nebraska.
The Major is a pronounced Republican unswerving in his support to the
party principles and was honored by an election
to the office of Sheriff, in which position he served two terms with
credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents.
Miles McSurely
Posted by Fran Hunt on Wed, 19 Apr 2000
Surname: McSurely, McCann, Rose, Nesmith, McManaman
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren
Counties – 1890
Miles McSurely, who resides on Section 9, Washington Township, Van Buren
County Iowa, is one of the few pioneer settlers who has lived to witness
the wonderful development of this grand state which far surpasses the most
sanguine day dreams of the pioneer, as with brave heart and sinewy arm
he entered the forests of the Des Moines Valley to hew out the logs, puncheons
and clapboards, for a house and wrest from its primitive growth of forest,
the soil which was destined to become the foundation upon which was reared
this vast commonwealth.
Mr. McSurely is a native of Ohio, born February 9, 1809, and the second
in order of birth in a family of seven children, whose parents were James
and Maria McSurely. His father a native of Ireland, came to this country
at the close of the Revolutionary War and for a time made his home in Kentucky.
He there married and then removed with his bride to Ohio, where he followed
his trade of weaving until his death, which occurred in 1840. His wife
was a native of Kentucky and died in the Buckeye State in 1833.
The subject of this sketch grew to manhood in Ohio, and in his youth
learned the trade of a ship carpenter. Having attained to man’s estate
on January 24, 1833, he wedded Miss Catherine McCann, daughter of John
and Elizabeth Rose McCann. The young couple started in life with a capital
consisting of health, energy and mutual confidence, their aim being to
secure a comfortable home. After working for three or four years at his
trade on the Ohio River, they decided to try their fortune in the wild
west, by which term Iowa was then known, and in March of 1837, Mr. McSurely
entered one hundred and sixty acres of land from the Government in Van
Buren County.
The following spring the family moved into a little log cabin which he had hastily erected and began life in true pioneer style. The dimensions of the dwelling were 14 x 16 feet and it was destitute of a floor except the earth, and several weeks elapsed before Mr. McSurely could spare the time to prepare the puncheons for a floor.
After eighteen months, he sold out and began the improvement of another quarter section. This he also disposed of and in June of 1844, bought the farm upon which he has made his home continuously since. Forty-six years have served to transform that barren tract into a region of great fertility and productiveness. A neat and commodious dwelling, tastefully furnished, and provided with all the comforts of life, furnish them a home; and this is surrounded by barns and outbuildings such as are indispensable to the model farm of the nineteenth century. Fences have divided the land into well kept fields, and the neatness and order, which there reign, give evidence to the passerby of the thrift and industry of the owner, who has labored indefatigable for the interests of his family. He has however, not been alone in his efforts, but has been ably assisted and seconded by his estimable wife, who ever bore her part of the hardships and trials of earlier days and who unremittingly cared for the household affairs while her husband was busy in the fields.
The long period of fifty-eight years has elapsed since this worthy couple, as man and wife, started out on life’s journey together. As in the common lot, they have met with reverses and discouragements, but altogether theirs has been a happy and prosperous life. Their union has been blessed with a family of ten children, seven of whom are yet living: Mary J., the eldest, is now the wife of E. Nesmith, of Davis County, whom she has six children: Dora, Minnie, Cora, Eliza, Ella and Bertha; Margaret, the second of the family is now deceased; William makes his home in California; Benjamin who was a member of Company G, Third Iowa Infantry, died in Mexico Missouri during the service; Rufus is also deceased; Anderson, who is living in Montana, enlisted in Company G, Third Iowa Cavalry in 1863, and served until the close of the war; Hannah cares for her parent in their old age and has charge of the household duties; James is a resident of Keosauqua; Kate is the wife of J.W. McManaman, of Decatur County Iowa and the mother of six children—Rufus, Mary roscoe, I.W., Kate, and Robert. John, who is now in the west, completes the family.
At one time Mr. McSurely owned four hundred and sixty-three acres of land. Of this he retains one hundred and sixty acres as a home for himself and wife, and the balance he has given to his children. As they leave the parental roof for homes of their own, he has given to each enough money or property for which they may make a good start in life and in return received the care and love of dutiful children. Their daughter, Hannah, still remains with them, caring for them in their declining years with a filial devotion that is sure of a blessed reward. But as you talk with the worthy couple of bygone days, they will tell you that the happiest moments of their lives were spent in the log cabin of long ago with their children all about them; when neighbors were few, but as they met to exchange the hospitalities of their humble homes it was with the true hearty friendship characteristic of this sturdy generation which is now slowly but surely passing away. Mr. McSurely has always been an active Republican in politics. He enjoys the confidence and high esteem of his friends and neighbors, and is well deserving, a place among the representative citizens of Van Buren County.
I am not related, and am only copying this for the information of those
who might find this person in their family.
1878 Village Twp., Van Buren County, IA
Biographical Directory of Citizens
Miller, John, far., Sec. 25; P.O. Doud's Station; born March 14, 1840, in Van Buren Tp., Van Buren Co.; lived on a farm until 1862, when he enlisted in Co. G, 3d Iowa V. C., for three years; at the end of eighteen months his regiment was furloughed and re-enlisted for the war; discharged Sept. 19, 1865; was in the battle of White River, Little Rock, Harrison Station and various smaller battles; was wounded at Harrison Station. The spring after his discharge, moved on his present farm in Village Tp., and engaged in farming. Married C. Rodgers May 11, 1869; she was born in Washington Co., Ohio, Dec. 25, 1850, and died March 7, 1871; Oct. 1, 1874, he married Rettie G. McCullough; she was born in Village Tp., Dec. 16, 1855; by his first marriage he had one child -- Theodore E.; by second marriage two children -- Nellie F. and Ethel L. He has 230 acres of land, valued at $7,000.
Raymond William Moore
RAYMOND WILLIAM MOORE, M. D. Medicine embraces a vast field of knowledge
and the successful physician must be a man of
varied learning. Never at any time has the healing art demanded more
in its practioners than at the present day and never has the
profession given so fair an account of itself. Find their leading physician
in a community and this acquaintance will indicate, with few
exceptions, the man of most intellectual attainments, the keenest mind,
the most progressive spirit. In this category stands Raymond William Moore, president of the Crawford County Medical Society, who
since 1899 has been engaged in practice at Arcadia.
Doctor Moore was born at Marshall, Saline County, Missouri, September
22, 1872, and is a son of Levi J. and Nancy Priscilla
(Horsman) Moore. The family originated in Ireland and settled at an
early date in Ohio, probably during colonial times, and the
doctor's grandfather, a farmer of the Buckeye State, died there in
1868. Levi J. Moore was born May 1, 1842, in Hocking County,
Ohio, where he was reared and educated and where he resided until young
manhood, when he removed to Iowa. While living in the
latter state the Civil war came on and in 1861 he enlisted in the Third
Iowa Cavalry, with which he fought in a number of severe
engagements, including the battle of Pea Ridge. Shortly after that
engagement he received a severe injury which incapacitated him for
further duty at the front, and he was accordingly transferred to the
One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps,
and did hospital duty during the rest of the war. Following the declaration
of peace, he removed to Johnson County, Missouri, where
he was employed as a stonemason for several years, and was there married,
October 24, 1868, to Nancy Priscilla Horsman, who wasborn October 2, 1848, in Hardin County, Ohio. Not long thereafter,
they went to St. Geneneve County, Missouri, where Mr. Moore
also followed his trade, and later to Randolph County, Illinois, where
for a time he engaged in farming. In 1885 Mr. Moore returned to
Missouri and located in Vernon County, and there continued to be engaged
in agricultural pursuits during the remainder of his life. His
death occurred on his farm, in 1896. Mr. Moore was a republican, and
an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to
which Mrs. Moore, who survives him and resides at Nevada, Missouri,
also belongs. They were the parents of seven children, as
follows: Leon Louis, born November 26, 1870, a mail carrier of Nevada,
Missouri; Raymond William; Annetta, born October 26,
1877, who follows photography as a vocation and resides with her mother;
Carl E., born October 6, 1880, who is a master mechanic
and resides at Pueblo, Colorado; Caswell A., born February 5, 1883,
who is identified with the International Harvester Company, at
Kansas City, Missouri; Donna V., born October 15, 1886, who is a hospital
attendant; and Lynn J., born October 31, 1889, who
occupies an excellent position with the Oregon Short Line Railroad,
at Portland, Oregon.
Raymond William Moore received his early education in the public schools of Missouri and Illinois, following which he attended the State Normal School at Warrensburg, Missouri. He left that institution in 1893 and for four years taught in the public schools ofVernon County, Missouri, in the meantime prosecuting his medical studies. He matriculated in the University Medical College in September, 1896, and was graduated from that institution in March, 1899. At this time the Spanish-American war came on and Doctor Moore entered the hospital department as hospital steward, and was stationed at Camp Alger, Virginia, and Camp Meade, Pennsylvania, for six months. When this service was completed he returned to Missouri, and in 1897 and 1898 was interne inthe University Hospital at Kansas City, and then entered that institution as a student and was graduated in 1899 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine.
On April 3, 1899, Doctor Moore established himself in an office at Arcadia,
and since then has built up a large and representative
practice in general medicine and surgery. He has continued to be a
close and careful student, and in 1910 took a special course at the
New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, specializing in
diseases of the rectum and physical diagnosis of the heart and
lungs. He now maintains well-appointed offices over the Home State
Bank, where he has every instrument and appliance known to
the profession, and a large and valuable medical library. Recognizing
the value of medical societies to the physician, he has long been
affiliated with the leading associations, including the Crawford County
Medical Society, the Kansas Medical Society, the Southeastern
Kansas Medical Society and the American Medical Association, and the
high esteem in which he is held by his fellow practitioners is
shown in the fact that he is president of the county society. Fraternally,
the doctor is affiliated with Arcadia Lodge, No. 329, Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons; Fort Scott Consistory No. 6, thirty-second
degree; Arcadia Lodge, No. 401, Independent Order of Odd
Fellows; the Fraternal Aid Union, and Arcadia Lodge, No. 159, Ancient
Order of United Workmen. He has always been a friend of
the schools, and at this time is secretary of the board of education.
As a republican Doctor Moore was elected twice to the mayoralty
chair of Arcadia, and gave the people sound, practical and businesslike
administrations, which were characterized by numerous greatly
needed civic reforms. He is a director of the Arcadia Building and
Loan Association, and in addition to his own pleasant and modern
home on Race Street, is the owner of several other dwelling properties.
He has always lent his aid to progressive movements and can
be counted upon to support all worthy enterprises.
Doctor Moore was married October 22, 1901, at Kansas City, Missouri,
to Miss Anna May Downing, daughter of Mrs. Violetta
Downing, who divides her time between the homes of Mrs. Moore, at Arcadia,
and another daughter, who lives at St. Louis, Missouri.
Doctor and Mrs. Moore are the parents of three children: Maude, born
September 2, 1902, who is a freshman at the Arcadia High
School; Ralph D., born October 27, 1903, who is an eighth-grade student
in the public school; and Abby Jane, born September 10,
1907, who is in the fifth grade of the public school.
Daniel C. Pettitt
Posted by Fran Hunt on Sun, 14 May 2000
Surname: Pettitt, Davis, Deal
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren
Counties – 1890
Daniel C. Pettitt, dealer in farming implements at Birmingham, is another
of the prominent businessmen of Van Buren County who deserves mention in
this volume.
He is widely and favorable known, so the record of his life, which
is as follows, will be received with interest by our readers. Clarke County
Indiana was his birthplace and on August 17, 1843, he first opened his
eyes to the light of day. His father, George R. Pettitt, was born in Indiana,
November 11, 1815, and his wife, whose maiden name was Martha J. Davis,
and who was a native of Kentucky, was about two years his junior. Having
married, they began their domestic life in Indiana, which continued to
be their home until 1844, at which time they crossed the Mississippi into
the Territory of Iowa. They located in Van Buren County and Mr. Pettitt
is still a resident of Birmingham, but in 1883, he was called upon to mourn
the death of his wife.
Our subject is one of a family of three children. His early life was
unmarked by any event of special importance, for midst play and work and
in attending the district schools his boyhood days were spent. However,
at the age of eighteen years he entered the service of his country. He
had watched with interest the progress of event sin the south but at the
beginning of the war was too young to respond to the country’s call for
aid, but on March 9, 1862, he enrolled his name among the boys in blue
of Company H. Third Iowa Cavalry. The two following years were spent mostly
in skirmishing in Missouri and Arkansas. While stationed at Mexico, Missouri,
Daniel and another boy went to get the former’s horse, which had run away,
as they supposed, to a farm about two miles distant, but on reaching that
place they learned that he had gone on some thirteen miles. Starting forward
again, they met the rebel commander, Purcell, whom they did not know, and
who told them where to find the horse. His directions proved correct, but
while returning the lads found a squad of rebels in ambush, Without a word,
the enemy arose and fired.
Both horses dropped dead and the boys started to run but almost in
another moment Mr. Pettitt’s comrade fell pierced by twelve bullets. Seeing
that it was impossible to escape, he then surrendered without receiving
a scratch. Afterwards he was paroled and started to join his command. While
returned, he met an ambulance containing two coffins, which were for himself
and friend, as his comrades had heard that both were dead and glad they
were to find that one was not needed. On January 1, 1864, Mr. Pettitt veteranized
and was therefore granted a furlough. When the time had expired he went
to Memphis Tennessee, where he was attached to A.J. Smith’s corps and participated
in the battles of Guntown, Tupelo and Oxford. He spent part of the winter
in Louisville, Kentucky and then, newly equipped, started on the Wilson
raid, in which he took part in the engagements of Monte Valley, Plantersville,
Selma and Columbus Georgia. He was mustered out at Atlanta and discharged
August 20, 1865, at Davenport, after serving three years and eight months.
When his country no longer needed his services Mr. Pettitt returned
to Birmingham and for a short time engaged in the butchering and grocery
business, after which, for some fourteen years, he devoted himself to freighting,
his efforts in that line being attended with considerable success. He also
dealt with walnut timber until 1886, when he engaged in his present business
as a dealer in agricultural implements. Four years in that line have served
to bring him a good trade, and his fair dealing and good business management
have won him the confidence and respect of the community.
On October 31, 1867 Mr. Pettitt was joined in wedlock with Miss Sarah
J. Deal a native of Pennsylvania. One child was born unto them but died
in infancy, but they have an adopted child Iva M. Mrs. Pettitt is a member
of the Methodist Church. He is a Republican in politics and has served
as Marshal, Constable and City Recorder. He is a member of the Old settlers
Society and an honored member of Perry A. Newell Post, No. 232, G.A.R.
His social standing and business record make him one of the prominent and
influential citizens of Birmingham.
I am not related, and am only copying this for the information of those
who might find this person in their family.
Biography: Major John A. Pickler
By: Priscilla A. Boswell
After his retirement from Congress, Major Pickier practiced law in Faulkton and built up large real estate interests. A few years before his death he suffered a stroke and had been an invalid. The Major died at age 66, on June 13, 1910 at his home in Faulkton, South Dakota.
References: History of Dakota Territory, South Dakota Its History and Its People, Vol. 4, by George W. Kingsbury, 1915; Family Roots - Drew, Alt, Wein, Smith & Kepford by Catherine Schilder, 1989
Robertson, D. W. M.,
physician and surgeon, Keosauqua; born Feb. 23, 1844, in Muskingum Co., Ohio; his parents moved into Holmes Co., in 1852, and from there to this county in 1858, and settled in the western part of the township; he commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Whitton, of Doud's Station, in 1867, and subsequently attended lectures at the medical college at Keokuk, where he graduated Feb. 2, 1870; commenced practicing at Newbern, Marion Co., Iowa, in the spring of 1870; returned to Cantril in 1872, and went to El Paso, Colo., in 1874, where he remained till June, 1877, and then came to Keosauqua. Mr. Robertson, at his county's call, enlisted in Co. H, of the 3d Iowa V. C.; was at the battles of Mooresville and Kirksville, Mo., Little Rock, Ark., Guntown and Tupelo, Miss., Pea Ridge, Ark., Selma, Ala.; was discharged in the fall of 1865. Was married to Mary A. Park, of this county, Oct. 11, 1870; she was born Feb. 26, 1846, in Guernsey Co., Ohio; have two children living - Hugh L. and an infant; lost one, Clarence A. Member of the United Presbyterian Church; Republican.
1878 Farmington Twp., Van Buren County, IA
Biographical Directory of Citizens
Scott, Oliver H. P.,
farmer, Sec. 35; P.O. Farmington; born in Washington Co., Ohio, March 3, 1815; lived there eleven years; moved to Morgan Co., Ohio, and lived there thirty years; while there was contractor of public works, canal, railroad and river improvements, he then came to this county; was engaged in the improvement of the Des Moines River, at Croton, Bentonsport and at this place; owns 700 acres of land in this and Bonaparte Tp.; 400 acres of this land is underlaid with coal; raises considerable stock; owns the right to the water-power of the Des Moines River at this point. Is a member of the Legislature to the Seventeenth General Assembly. Served in the late war as Captain of Co. B, 3d I. V. C.; was soon promoted Major of the regiment, and served as such until the surrender of Vicksburg; was promoted to the colonelcy of the 48th I. V. I.; participated in thirty-one engagements, was requested to take charge of Government works at Nashville, Tenn., employing 1,500 men; was appointed Assessor of Internal Revenue of First Iowa District. Married May 16, 1843, to Miss Ellen D. Fay; she was born in Watertown, Jefferson Co., N. Y., May 16, 1822; they have three children--Straughn F., Charles H. and George D., aged respectively 34, 28 and 26. Col. Scott was one of the contractors .
Biography: 1st Sgt. Samuel R. Snyder
By: Priscilla A. Boswell
Samuel Renatus Snyder was born on 18, 1823 in Friedland, Stokes Co., North Carolina, son of Philip and Catherina Barbara (Hummel) Schneider. He resided in North Carolina until 1848, when Samuel, his wife Martha (Whicker) and their children moved to Bartholomew Co., Indiana. In 1856, the family removed first to Appanoose Co., Iowa, and later to Soap Creek, Davis Co., Iowa, where they homesteaded. In addition to being a farmer, Samuel was a carpenter, and built a schoolhouse north of Ottumwa, Iowa. He also taught German and was a vocal music teacher and church organist in Ottumwa.
Following the outbreak of the Civil War, Samuel R. Snyder enlisted at Centerville, Iowa on Aug. 20, 1861, for a three-year term in the Union Army. He was mustered in at Keokuk, Iowa on Sept. 5, 1861, as a 1st" Sergeant in Company I, 3d Regiment of Iowa Cavalry. He was described in the Regimental Book as 5 feet 4 ½ inches, light complexion, hazel eyes, and light hair.
On Sept. 1, 1862, he was appointed Brevet Lieutenant. Samuel R. Snyder appeared on the Company Muster rolls as present from Aug. 21, 1861 to May 1863, except in March 1862, when he was absent on sick furlough to Davis Co., Iowa for 30 days. He was transferred from Company 1, 3d Iowa Cavalry on May 20, 1863, by reason of promotion to Captain of the 2nd Regiment Arkansas Volunteers of African Descent. On Sept. 14, 1863, he was discharged from the 3d Iowa Cavalry, and a final discharge was furnished on July 22, 1867.
farmer and blacksmith, Keosauqua; born Jan. 15, 1820, in Licking Co.,
Ohio; learned the blacksmith's trade in early life; came to Keosauqua in
the spring of 1849, where he has made his home ever since. In August, 1861,
he enlisted in the service of his country, in the 3d I. V. C., Co. G, and
was honorably discharged July 1, 1862, for disability; his service was
in detached service, skirmishing, etc., in Missouri. He was married to
Miss Lydia W. Lewis, of Washington Co., Ohio, Sept. 24, 1846; she was born
in same State Nov. 6, 1818; have four children -- Mary, born July 31, 1847,
in Ohio; James, born Dec. 6, 1849, in Iowa; Edward H., born Sept. 1, 1852,
in Iowa; and John M., born March 4, 1855, in Iowa. Member of the Congregational
Church; Republican.
This biography was sent to me from
Priscilla Boswell thebugman@gateway.net
(Thanks again Priscilla)
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren
Counties – 1890 Mr.
Van Buren County. Throughout southeastern Iowa the name is known as representing men of sterling worth, engaged in
agricultural pursuits, who in many ways have also labored for the best interests of the community and for the welfare of
town, county and State. His honored parents, Newton and Esther Saunders Calhoun, are mentioned more fully in the
sketch of his brother Vurnum. His birth occurred on the homestead farm July 31, 1840, succeeding the arrival of the
family in the Territory of Iowa. He acquired his education in the Birmingham schools, and having attained his majority on
the last day of July 1861, he enlisted the following month in Company H, Third Iowa Cavalry, for three year’s service in
the War of the Rebellion. The first two years his regiment spent in Missouri, where the troops were engaged in
dispersing rebels, capturing supplies, etc. Proceeding southward they afterwards participated in the capture of Little
Rock Arkansas. Mr. Calhoun did not veteranize at the close of his term of service but remained in that city until sent to
Keokuk, where he received his discharge September 19, 1864. During the last year and a half of his service he held the
office of Commissary Sergeant.
Returning to Birmingham, Mr. Calhoun spent the following winter in school and then devoted himself to the occupation
of farming, by which he has since not only gained a livelihood but which has proved to him the means of securing a
handsome competence. On March 1, 1866 he was united in marriage with Margaret E. Farrer, a native of Ohio, born
April 30, 1844. Three children graced their union—Orange S., who is now a farmer of Van Buren County; M. Nellie,
wife of Charles S. Walker, son of Maj. Walker; and Joseph F. Mr. Calhoun was called upon to mourn the loss of his
wife, who died on October 26, 1886. She was a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church and was beloved by all for
her excellent character. On November 14, 1889, he was again married, his second union being with Eliza J. Torrence, a
native of Lick Creek Township. She also is a member of the Presbyterian Church and a lady of culture.
Forty-four years have passed in which Mr. Calhoun has known no other home than the farm upon which he yet resides.
It is endeared to him by many associations of his boyhood, his youth and of mature years. Here his children were born
and here he has become a prosperous citizen as the result of his industrious and thrifty efforts. Socially, he is a member
of the Grand Army of the Republic, and in political sentiment supports the Republican Party by which he was several
terms elected Assessor of his Township. He is engaged in farming on an extensive scale also is one of the large
stock-raisers of the county and is the oldest native citizen of his township.
This biography
was sent to me from
Boswell thebugman@gateway.net
(Thank you Priscilla for giving the Iowa Third Cavalry a helping hand)
From the Portrait and Biographical Album of Jefferson and Van Buren
Counties – 1890
James T. Snider, veterinary surgeon of Lebanon Iowa, was born in Jefferson
County Indiana, November 2, 1828. He
traces his ancestry back through several generations to a Mr. Snider,
a gentleman of Scottish birth, who left his native
land in the early part of the eighteenth century and, braving the dangers
of an ocean voyage, came to America. He was
the great-grandfather of our subject, and in the Revolutionary War
he took an active part as a member of the Colonial
forces, while his son John, the grandfather of our subject served in
the War of 1812. Since the landing of the progenitor
of the family in America, his descendants have been numbered among
Virginia’s citizens. In 1894, in that State, John
Snider, father of the Doctor, was born. He was reared to manhood in
Virginia, where he followed farming and
shoemaking in pursuit of fortune for some years. In 1826, he married
Jane Walker, who was born in Ohio, in 1812, and
was a daughter of David Walker, a native of Ireland. They became the
parents of nine children, of whom seven are yet
living, as follows: James T., of this sketch; Francis M, a resident
of Elk Horn County Nebraska; Silas A., who is living in
Wayne County Iowa; Samuel of Grand County Colorado; Elizabeth C, widow
of emery Glass, of Sumner County
Kansas; Cynthia, wife of Isaac Babb, a resident of the Indian Territory;
Jane, wife of Israel Salters, whose home is in
Appanoose County, Iowa. With his family Mr. Snider emigrated westward
in 1843. He chose the Territory of Iowa as
the scene of his future labors, and located in Van Buren County. He
took an active interest in the political affairs of the
community, supporting the Republican Party, and was accounted one of
the leading citizens of the neighborhood.
In the usual manner of farmer lads, James T. Snider spent his boyhood
days in which no event of special importance
occurred. As the schools in a new settlement are not of a very advanced
grade, the educational advantages he received,
were limited. The summer of 1846, he spent in the western wilds of
Iowa and Nebraska, making his home among the
Indians, until 1850, when he crossed the plains, following the army
of gold hunters en route to California. Such a journey
was not unattended by great risk and peril, and the train to which
Mr. Snider belonged encountered the Comanche
Indians in two very severe engagements, in which several of the white
men were wounded. The Indians suffered
considerable loss, and only gave up the fight at the killing of their
chief, who fell at the hands of our subject. At length the
party reached Hangtown California, and Mr. Snider made a location in
Diamond Spring, Placer County, where he
engaged in the grocery business with good success, and also followed
mining for eighteen months. He then returned to
Iowa somewhat richer that when he started. The return journey was made
by way of the Isthmus of Panama, during
which he spent some time in sightseeing on the Isthmus and on the Island
of Haiti. In December, he landed at New York
City, and continued his journey homeward, where he at length arrived,
after having traveled across the entire country,
and around it. Mr. Snider then engaged in buying and selling horses
until 1856, when en embarked in the mercantile
business in Lebanon, in which line he continued until 1860, when he
began traveling over the country as a peddler. Later
he engaged in the hotel business, but in the spring of 1864, he laid
aside business pursuits, feeling that his country needed
his services.
On January 4, 1864, he enlisted in Company G, Third Iowa Cavalry, serving
under Captain John Stiger, while Col. J.W.
Noble commanded the regiment. After participating in the battle of
Memphis, Mr. Snider was placed in detached duty
and stationed at Little Rock Arkansas. His two brothers Frank and Silas
were also in the service, being members of
Company G, Thirty-Sixth Iowa Infantry. At the close of the war he was
mustered out, and received his discharge August
19, 1865, after which he returned to his home in Iowa. He then took
up his present profession, that of veterinary
surgery, which he has since continued. He ahs gained a wide reputation
in the line of his present business, and his large
practice yields him a good income. He has a host of friends won by
his honest dealings and fair treatment and ability.
In 1854, Mr. Snider was united in marriage with Elizabeth a. Wilson,
a native of Ohio, who died in 1872, leaving one
child, a daughter, Mary Jane, who died in 1887. Mr. snider was again
married in 1874, his second union being with
Martha Jane Harris, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Purcell Harris,
who are numbered among the pioneer settlers of
Van Buren County of 1836. The father was born September 3, 1799, in
Pennsylvania and his marriage was celebrated
May 31, 1827. Twelve children were born to this union, but only three
are now living. The father died February 4,
1847, and the mother passed away December 19, 1878. Mr. and Mrs. Snider
have no children of their own, but are
rearing an adopted daughter Elizabeth Kellar.
In his political affiliations, Dr. Snider is a supporter of the Democracy.
He has held several local offices of trust, was
Constable for a number of years, two years filled the position of Justice
of the Peace, after which he acted as Assessor,
and is now Township Commissioner. He is also President of the Lebanon
Cemetery Association, Past Master of
Keosauqua Lodge, No. 9, A.F. & A.M. and a Trustee in the Methodist
Episcopal Church. He has witnessed almost the
entire growth of Van Buren County, an on the list of its honored early
settlers his name is enrolled.
I am not related, and am only copying this for the information of those who might find this person in their family
far., Sec. 17, P.O. Doud's Station; owns 160 acres of land, valued at $30 per acre; is a son of Daniel and Margaret (Jackson) Miller; was born Oct. 15, 1833, in Perry Co., Ohio; came with parents to this county in the fall of 1841, and settled on the farm where he yet lives. He enlisted in the service of his country February, 1863, in Co. G, of the 3d Iowa V. C.; participated in the battle of Guntown, Miss.; was also with Gen. Wilson in his raid through Alabama and Georgia, at the capture of Selma and Columbus; was discharged at Atlanta in August 1865. He was married to Sarah E. Tolman, of this county, May 1, 1856; she was born in Ohio April 1, 1835; have seven children -- Clifton T., Edwin, Charles, Alpha, Mary I., Nettie and Frederick; lost one -- Fannie T. Member M. E. Church; Republican.

(Webmaster note: In Thomas Taylor's photo notice his hat to his left side.
It is one of the best 3rd insignia that I have seen as yet. It is a remarkable photo)
Hello, John.
It took awhile to get permission to use the Thomas Taylor letter from
family member. You have permission to use the letter, and I will
sending you Thomas Jefferson Taylor's photo via e-mail. Your
website is
We believe T. J. Taylor is one of six children to George (b. VA) and
Mariah Mc Glauthern (b. PA) Taylor. The children: David, Charles,
T. J., Sarrina, Eli, and Elizabeth were probably all born in Ohio.
Per 1860 Census T. J. Taylor (b OH) married one R. M. (b MO) and had
a son John Taylor born in IA.
It appears that David Taylor (b OH) served in the 9th Cavalry Co. E
1863 to 1864. The 1870 Census shows David and Frances (b VA)
Taylor had 3 children - John, Eli, and Maria. One Mary A. BOWMAN
(b OH) age 23 and Allen BOWMAN age 1 are possibly living with, or visiting,
the David Taylor family.
Eli Taylor served in Companies D and E from 1862-1864. Eli and
Taylor and his family were in California from 1890 on. Eli Taylor's
letter to his brother Charles Taylor asks about their brother David
Charles Taylor (b OH) 1827 is my great grandfather. Charles suffered
health, taught school, and moved to KS for the drier climate.
He and his
wife Harriet Marney Taylor were parents to six sons, and two daughters.
Their children were: George, Mary, Jonathan, Eli, T. Jeff., Ann Mariah,
Marion, and Elias Taylor Mary the daughter of Wm. and Polly
Taylor was
"adopted" by Charles and Harriet Taylor. Charles Taylor homesteaded
Norton County, KS. Some of Charles and Harriet Taylor's sons
later ranched in Sherman County, KS. Charles and Harriet Taylor's
youngest son Elias was my grandfather and keeper of the old family letters.
Taylor is a common name, and I appreciate the chance that your website
may help us connect to other Taylor relatives. I hope the Bowman
information proves helpful to someone searching the Bowman line.
Dear John,
I'm not sure where you saw this letter, but here is a copy. This was
written from Thomas Jefferson Taylor to his brother, my grandfather, Charles
Taylor. Yes, I believe Eli was a brother to T. J., David and Charles
Taylor. I'm not sure about some of the other Taylor names you mentioned.
The letter was written on a small sheet of folded paper, and all space was
used. The original belongs to another family member.
typed from a photocopy of original
May 18, 1862
Sulphus Rock, Independence County, Arkansas
Dear Bro. Having a little leisure today I thought I would write
you a short epistle to let you know where we are and how we do. We
are at the above named place it being about one hundred miles South of
the Arkansas line (North line) and two hundred and fifty miles South of
Rolla, MO. and three hundred and fifty miles from St. Louis by way
of Rolla. The country from St. Louis until you get about thirty miles
from here is one of the hardest looking countries that a white man ever
saw being nothing but mountain knobs, rocks, etc. with now and then a garden
spot along the small streams.
A man may travel for days along the ridges without seeing a house
and from the general appearances one would think that the country was entirely
without inhabitants, but if you traverse the small streams (which are numerous
and as clear as crystal) you can find a great many natives and as a general
thing they are very ignorant and almost entirely illiterate not averaging
one school to a township. But at each County Seat they generally
have one good school at which the few planters (as they call them here-
a man who owns darkies) school their children and any man who is not able
to board his children from home and pay at the rate of twelve dollars per
quarter per scholar can not school his children. Consequently they
remain uneducated and almost as ignorant as the natives of the Western
Territories and you can see them scaling the knobs and hills in every direction
at the
approach of the Union troop but the scene has changed considerable
we have tolerable good country now and a good class of citizens who are
fun to converse with and proud of the old flag which the majority of them
are always ready to cheer at its first appearance. It is a fact-undeniable
the majority of the citizens of this frontier of Arkansas are as big as
the citizens of Iowa, but perhaps you may be puzzled to know how it happened
that those men have not come out on the side of the Union ere this truth
is that the state was taken out of the Union by intrigue and that on the
heels of the election which gave a large majority to remain in the Union.
Then they assumed the right to compel them into the state service for the
protection of the states and then by fever of the Texans they were compelled
to join the Confederate Service and then by aid of rebel Electors ( no
kind being allowed to publish a paper). They succeeded in
making the people believe that we were negro thieves and that it was our
avowed intention to free the negro and make him their equal. Another
device was that we were sending no troops by lop-eared Dutch (as they call
them) and that the Northern men were too big cowards to fight and consequently
all they had to do was to clean out the Dutch and all would be safe.
They have awakened up after a long sleep and find that in courage we are
their equals and in physical strength and equipment we are their superiors.
Things are perfectly quiet here now. The boys are all well with the
exception of Isaac Duvall who has the Ague George’s Charles Taylor
is as big as his father.
William Bowiman (or Bowman per CE), James Johnson and all the other
boys are in fine health and good spirits. I was not able to leave
you the money which I owe you but will send it to you as soon as I have
an opportunity to do so. Give my respects to Harriett and the children
tell them that when I return that I will bring them some presents.
My respects to all inquiring friends. Your Bro. T. J. Taylor.
Third Regiment of Iowa Volunteers - Company I - Line Officer
3rd Calvary- Captain Thomas J. Taylor, with Thomas H. McDannal 1st Lieutenant,
Edward F. Horton 2nd Lieutenant. T. J. Taylor (1833-24 July 1862)
enlisted for three years from Keokuk died of disease while in service.
His letter is written to his brother Charles Taylor, a teacher, and
uses all writing space available.

of Honor
Beyond the call of Duty
Albert Power
Rank: Pvt. Co. I, 3rd Iowa Cav.
Place, date of action: Pea Ridge, Ark. 3-7-62
Birth: Guernsey Co., OH.
Date of issuance: 3-6-1899
Citation: Under heavy fire and great personal risk went to the aid of a
dismounted comrade who was surrounded by the enemy. Took him up on his
own horse and carried him to a place of safety.
James Dunlavy
Rank: Pvt. Co. D, 3rd Iowa Cav.
Place, date of action: Osage, Kansas
Entered service at: Davis Co., IA.
Birth: Decatur Co., Ind.
Date of issuance: 4-4-1865
Citation: Gallantry in capturing General Marmaduke (C.S.A.)
Calvary M. Young
Rank: Sgt. Co. L, 3rd Iowa Cav.
Place, date of action: Osage, KS. 10-25-1864
Entered service at: Hopeville, Clark Co., IA.
Birth: Washington Co., OH.
Date of issuance: 4-4-1865
Citation: Gallantry in capturing General Cabell (C.S.A.)

Horatio L. Birdsall
Rank: Sgt. Co. B 3rd Iowa Cav.
Place, date of action: Columbus, Ga.
Entered service at: Keokuk, IA. 8-23-1861
Birth: Monroe Co., N.Y.
Date of issuance: 6-17-1865
Citation: Capture of flag and bearer
Andrew W. Tibbets
Rank: Pvt. Co. I, Iowa 3rd Cav.
Place, date of action: Columbus, GA., 4-16-1865
Entered service at: Appanoose Co., IA.
Birth: Clark Co., Ind.
Date of issuance: 6-17-1865
Citation: Capture of flag and bearer, Austin's Battery (C.S.A.)